Saturday, February 5, 2011

And then there was one

I left the girls this morning.  they are headed to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow morning to catch their respective flights to Chicago and Melbourne.  it was sad saying good-bye.  we've spent a month sleeping in the same room (minus the last week in penang when we had the entire Kordesch house to ourselves).  its going to take a while to get used to communicating with others again.  we are functioning with similar brain cells at this point in our journey.  i'm in georgetown right now waiting the 10 long hours until my overnight train leaves for KL.  we didnt quite realize that because of the chinese new year, everyone would be trying to head back to KL for work tomorrow, so getting a bus down there was impossible today.  I came into town hoping to find something and got a 3rd class (sitting-up) seat on a 8 hour train ride to KL tonight.  not thrilled... 

I'm headed to Cambodia tomorrow afternoon to go to Phnom Penh to explore for a day or two and then I'm meeting Kelly, one of the friends we made in Phangan to head to Sihanoukville.  its supposed to be beautiful there, and a lot like Thailand before it became a tourist spot.  Its also supposed to be really cheap!  I'm excited to be somewhere with a little more excitement, Penang was pretty low-key and I think I read 3 books in the week we were there.  Penang is a really nice place, surprisingly a lot of westerners go there for their vacations (kind of similar to Florida), there are tons of resorts and retiree's.  We found a great food court that had a mix of Malay, Indian, and Chinese food for really cheap.  We ate dinner there almost every night. 

So in about three weeks my dad is joining me on the trip.  We are going to go to Chiang Mai and then do the slow boat through Laos, go to Angkor Wat and then down to Bali.  I'm not sure what I have planned after that.  I'm trying to convince Lindsay Beigle to come join me over here.  I would definitely do Thailand all over again, or maybe try somewhere else.